duminică, 26 februarie 2017

This Guy Sued The School System!

"I just sued the school system!"

         Once upon a time there was a brilliant man who once said: "Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid" . Albert Einstein 

"Ladies and gentleman of the jury, today on trial we have modern day schooling. Glad you could come." Said artist Price EA in his latest video playing the role of a lawyer in a courtroom who has sued the school system. He speaks about all that is wrong with the current school system, and he does it with a beautiful rap verse. 

When it comes to school, this is exactly what happens. One single teacher standing in front of different children.
 Each one having 
different strenghts, 
different needs, 
different gift, 
different dreams. 

And you teach the same things, the same way? I must say it sounds really stupid saying that loud.

Tell me school, are you proud of the things you`ve done? Turning millions of pleople into robots..

He claims that in more than a century, 
And he`s damn right.

Students are in straight rows, nice and neat.
"Raise your hand if you want to speak". 
And being told what to think. 

     I am a student and I am wondering: This is real education? Curbing all the natural interests and creativity in a child and making all of them identical to each other is not fair. I must say I don`t want to be a robot, beying always told what to do and not be albe to think for myself. I refuse to climb a tree if I am the fish.

     Students may be 20% of our present, but they are 100% of our future. So, let`s attend to their dreams.

     Honestly, this is a world in which I believe, too. A world where fish are no longer forced to climb trees.

     I declare myself a huge fun of this guy, because of this video. And if I were a US citizen, I would vote Prince EA as a president. I rest my case. 

Watch the video of Prince EA here

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